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Artinya Story Of My Life | One Direction

Story Of My Life - One Direction | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Written in these walls
Tertulis di dinding ini

Are the stories that I can't explain
Kisah-kisah yang tak dapat kujelaskan

I leave my heart open
Kubiarkan hatiku terbuka

But it stays right here empty for days
Tapi tetap saja kosong berhari-hari

She told me in the morning
Pagi iitu ia bilang padaku

She don't feel the same about us in her bones
Dia merasa ada yang berbeda dengan kami

It seems to me that when I die
Rasanya dikala saya mati

These words will be written on my stone
Kata-kata ini akan tertulis di nisanku

And I'll be gone gone tonight
Dan malam ini saya kan pergi

The ground beneath my feet is open wide
Tanah yang kupijak terbuka lebar

The way that I been holdin' on too tight
Selama ini saya berpegangan terlalu erat

With nothing in between
Tanpa ada yang menghalangi

The story of my life I take her home
Kisah hidupku, kuantar ia pulang

I drive all night to keep her warm and time...
Kuberkendara sepanjang malam tuk menghangatkannya dan waktu...

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
Membeku (Kisah, kisah)

The story of my life, I give her hope
Kisah hidupku, saya memberinya harapan

I spend her love until she's broke inside
Kuhabiskan cintanya sampai tandas

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Kisah hidupku (kisah, kisah)

Written on these walls
Tertulis di dinding ini

Are the colors that I can't change
Warna-warni yang tak dapat kuubah

Leave my heart open
Kubiarkan hatiku terbuka

But it stays right here in its cage
Tapi tetap saja di sini di dalam sangkarnya

I know that in the morning now
Aku tahu bahwa sekarang di pagi hari
I'll see us in the light upon a hill
Kan kulihat kita di dalam cahaya di atas bukit

Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
Meski saya hancur, hatiku masih belum terjinakkan

Back to III, IV

And I been waiting for this time to come around
Dan tlah usang kunantikan tibanya dikala ini

But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds
Tapi kasih mengejarmu menyerupai mengejar awan

Back to IV

The story of my life
Kisah hidupku

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Kisah hidupku (kisah, kisah)

The story of my life
Kisah hidupku

Sumber https://translatemusik.blogspot.com/